
21 Aug 2017 [Conference Announcement]  

Gordon Research Conference: Hybrid Electronic and Photonic Materials and Phenomena

Electronic and Photonic Processes and Interfacial Phenomena in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Their Applications in Optoelectronic Devices

Dates: June 10-15, 2018
Location: Regal Riverside Hotel, Hong Kong, China
Chairs: Deqing Zhang & Licheng Sun 
Vice Chairs: Jian-Bin Xu & Thuc-Quyen Nguyen 


*Registration fee:

  1. The conferee fee on-site is USD 1,455, including hotel accommodations, and breakfast and lunch (daily), and several dinners.
  2. The conferee fee off-site is USD 1,045, without hotel accommodations, while the guest fee off-site is  USD 865.
  3. Limited amounts of student scholarships are possibly available (USD 400 for each student). Please contact the conference Vice Chair Prof. JB Xu ( for details. 

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