TRS Project Workshop for Smart Energy Distribution and Utilization 2018
Call for Poster / Demonstration Presentations
[PDF Floor Plan for Poster / Demo Session]
Registration for Poster / Demo Presentation:
*Registration closed
Best Poster Award
Participants are encouraged to submit their posters. Selection criteria will be based on the content and quality of the posters. The best posters will win a HK$ 500 cash cheque and an award certificate.
Guidance to Poster / Demo Registrants:
1. Please note that the poster board size is 62 inches (160cm) in height and 35 inches (90cm) in width, posters with any size smaller than this are acceptable.
2. Please prepare pins or staples to mount your posters to the boards, velcro tapes are NOT applicable.
3. All posters are required to be mounted onto the poster boards / all demos are required to be ready by 5:00pm of 25 May 2018.
4. The display venue (SHB 603) will be ready for your setup any time after 2:00pm of 25 May 2018. All posters / equipment should be removed before 1:00pm of 29 May 2018 the latest.
5. Each poster will be assigned a poster number, which will be announced at a notice sheet at the display venue. Please mount your posters at the corresponding board number.
6. You are strongly encouraged to be present at 4:25 – 6:00pm of 28 May 2018 to present your posters / demos. If you have significant difficulty to attend, please inform the Project Manager beforehand.
Information for Download:
Miss Mandy TSE, Project Manager, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
Tel: 3943-8450; Email: mandytse@cuhk.edu.hk